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TMJ & Anatomy Series
TMJ Microanatomy
An Anatomical Approach To Current Controversies
by Terry T. Tanaka, D.D.S.
(46 minutes)
Both fresh and fixed cadaver specimens are used to demonstrate
the arterial blood supply to the muscles of the face and the
temporomandibular joint. Specific perfusion of the internal
maxillary artery demonstrates that there is ample blood supply
from the posterior and lateral of the condyle as well as from
the anterior region. Dissections of the medial and lateral
collateral ligaments demonstrate their attachments to the
condyle as well as the new medial attachment. A special section
demonstrates structures seen in villinodular synovitis of
the TMJ and again during an arthroscopic procedure. A final
series of dissections through the TMJ, the ear, and from the
brain into the middle ear, adresses the question of whether
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